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19 Oct 2020
Anthony Painter
The way populists govern cannot deal with a problem like Covid.
06 Oct 2020
Mark Swift Simon Constable
Community-centred approaches can improve health outcomes.
28 Jun 2020
Ian Burbidge
Thinking and methods to fight the anti-risk instinct.
24 Jun 2020
Karen Fitzgerald
Leadership should focus on implementation over innovation.
29 Apr 2020
We must look for the potential of change in the crisis response. The post-crisis task is to find ways to amplify and embed the most promising changes and innovations.
01 Apr 2020
Sarah Darrall
The RSA is proud to announce a partnership with the Innovation in Politics Institute to give awards for democratic innovations. The example of li, Finland shows what the awards are all about.
24 Mar 2020
Ruth Hannan
The system is too rigid to respond rapidly. We must make sure that the sacrifices staff are making now aren’t in vain.
03 Mar 2020
Matthew Taylor
Bad process is less risky in the short-term. But it won’t deliver real change. Matthew Taylor and the Policy Innovation Unit’s Dr Andrea Siodmok explore what makes a process good.
07 Feb 2020
Riley Thorold Owain Service
One of the most famous experiments in social psychology took place in Robbers Cave state park, Oklahoma, in the early 1950s.
28 Jan 2020
Ed Cox
Ed Cox on the opening of the International Week of Democratic Innovation at the People's History Museum in Manchester.
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