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22 Jun 2020
Asheem Singh
Because we lack truly local banks, Britain doesn’t support local business as much as other countries like Germany or the United States. That's why the RSA has been supporting community banks across the country.
21 Jun 2018
Anthony Painter
Anthony Painter describes how a democratic economy - of everyone - might work.
05 Jun 2017
John Park
Following the recent launch of IndyCube.Community, John Park FRSA outlines how Trade Unions can ensure they stay relevant by supporting the growing number of people in self-employment.
Philip Ross
In the build up to the general election, Philip Ross outlines six things the next Government can do to better support self-employed people in the UK.
24 Apr 2017
Stuart Field
As self-employment becomes an ever more significant aspect of the UK economy, how can the lack of sick pay and peer support be tackled? Stuart Field discusses Bread Funds.
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