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Showing 11 to 10 of 35 results
10 Mar 2021
Lynn Houmdi FRSA
Lynn Houmdi FRSA on how her social enterprise Making Work Work is helping change workplace culture and support women.
27 Jan 2021
Matthew Taylor Deirdre McCloskey
Matthew Taylor chats with Deirdre McCloskey, via email, about liberalism, capitalism and the state of economics today.
20 Jan 2021
Anthony Salamone FRSA
Anthony Salamone FRSA reflects on the current and future state of Scottish politics.
06 Jan 2021
Peter Marber Julian Savulescu
Pandemic policies that can be both fair and equitable, while also jumpstarting the world economy.
20 Oct 2020
Sir Adrian Webb
Wellbeing, agency and a comprehensive green agenda
30 Sep 2020
Patrician & Lionel Fanthorpe FRSAs
Patricia and Lionel Fanthorpe FRSAs explore the role of cash in the twenty-first century
20 Aug 2020
Keith Clancy FRSA
Keith Clancy FRSA on the benefits of printing wealth.
02 Aug 2020
Thomas O'Brien FRSA
Thomas O’Brien FRSA makes the case for a UK sovereign wealth fund based in Wolverhampton, arguing it would create a better future for the next generation, provide businesses crucial financial support and help to spread the UK’s wealth around the country.
12 Jul 2020
David T Llewellyn FRSA
David T Llewellyn FRSA writes on trust and confidence in banking.
09 Jun 2020
Philip Johnson FRSA
Philip Johnson FRSA on design and the future of business.
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