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23 Feb 2022
For ten years, Driving Ambition has helped young people in Oxfordshire realise the opportunities open to them once they leave school. But, says Peter Jordan, FRSA, we can do a lot more, and he wants your help
17 Feb 2022
Tony Wall
Young people are rarely included in the policies that affect their futures. In fast-growing Vietnam, with many ethnic groups at the back of the queue for decent, secure and well-paid jobs, most are never heard at all. Tony Wall and Ann Hindley explain how Re-WORK aims to redress the balance
21 Oct 2021
Robert Rickard FRSA
Robert Rickard FRSA reflects on a simple, quiet revolution going on in schools and colleges in Norfolk and suggests that these models could be rolled out by local authorities – at zero public cost – and offers free advice to anyone wanting to pursue the idea.
12 Oct 2021
Cecily Liu FRSA shares her experiences of volunteering for a project in China that aims to improve the life chances of children living in rural areas and shape the future of education.
10 Aug 2021
Owen Berkeley-Hill FRSA
Owen Berkeley-Hill FRSA outlines his journey to understanding the potential for people at the bottom of societies to provide some of the radical and sustainable responses we need to climate change and other challenges.
21 Jul 2021
Dr. Daniel White FRSA
Dr. Daniel White FRSA asks whether blockchain technology could revolutionise the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) system by 2030.
10 Jun 2021
Ian Cunningham FRSA
Ian Cunningham FRSA on why Marcus Rashford is an exemplar of an effective learner.
02 Apr 2021
Meena Kumari Wood FRSA
Meena Kumari Wood FRSA argues that assessment and feedback is critical to promoting independent learning and learners for life, through and beyond the curriculum post-Covid-19.
26 Mar 2021
John Astley FRSA
John Astley FRSA on facilitating community education workshops, talks and classes in Exmouth.
15 Feb 2021
Sarah Cottenden FRSA
Sarah Cottenden FRSA on why Covid-19 has highlighted an opportunity to do away with our ‘one size fits all’ approach to schooling in the UK.
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