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06 May 2020
Chetan Choudury FRSA
Chetan Choudury FRSA looks at some of the best examples of governments using AI to deliver services.
30 Apr 2020
Danny Bowman FRSA
Planning is essential for preventing a potential mental health epidemic.
31 May 2019
Ana Chubinidze FRSA
Policymakers and algorithm coders should be the ones educated about the ethical and societal issues associated with using personalised online content, not consumers.
06 Aug 2018
Graham Norris
The technologies currently being developed and rolled out will have fundamental consequences for future economic activity. Graham Norris FRSA argues that when talking about the future of work, we need to ditch the suggestion that there will be some transition endpoint and embrace the fact that change will continue to accelerate.
22 Jul 2018
Joshua Entsminger Mark Esposito Terence Tse Danny Goh
Joshua, Mark, Terence, and Danny work at Nexus Frontier Tech and are guest blogging for the RSA on what government should take into consideration when designing a roadmap for ethical AI.
10 Oct 2017
Nathan Coyle
Despite being the biggest economy in Europe, Germany is lacking when it comes to digital innovation.
29 Mar 2017
Chris Steed
To ensure there are sufficient jobs of quality and not just quantity, education systems need re-tooling, argues Chris Steed FRSA.
09 Mar 2017
Matthew Cain
Given the gaps in the strategy, and the traditional path on which it ended, business as usual may be the most likely outcome, argues Matthew Cain FRSA.
22 Mar 2016
Ruxandra Creosteanu FRSA
Ruxandra Creosteanu FRSA argues for a new approach to competitive grants that engages communities and stakeholders in a more meaningful way.
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