Fellowship Events
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Showing 11 to 10 of 35 results
12 Jul 2020
David T Llewellyn FRSA
David T Llewellyn FRSA writes on trust and confidence in banking.
03 Jun 2020
Kieran Breen FRSA
Kieran Breen FRSA on how we to achieve a more deliberative and participatory democracy.
05 Apr 2020
Dr Richard Simmons FRSA
Fellows’ diversity of knowledge, talent and great ideas, means that there is an opportunity to offer alternatives rather than bouncing back to the way thing were before the pandemic
01 Jul 2019
Matt Hyde FRSA
As Queen Mary University of London launches a new degree apprenticeship for social change, Matt Hyde FRSA looks at its potential to create a new generation of skilled social entrepreneurs.
03 Jan 2019
Adrian Hosford FRSA George Oakham FRSA
How do we influence the system around us so that the sum of all our improvements makes a measurable impact on society as a whole?
31 Dec 2018
Alexander Titus
Alexander Titus FRSA on how social research can become more effective and relevant by treating institutions as social theories.
06 Aug 2018
Graham Norris
The technologies currently being developed and rolled out will have fundamental consequences for future economic activity. Graham Norris FRSA argues that when talking about the future of work, we need to ditch the suggestion that there will be some transition endpoint and embrace the fact that change will continue to accelerate.
18 Oct 2017
Ian Blackburn
Ian Blackburn FRSA argues that the concept of a 21st century Enlightenment coffeehouse has the potential to reach far beyond the membership of the RSA.
05 Jun 2016
Eileen Burton
Crowdfunding has become a source of fulfilling dream project these days. It can be the most convenient way to raise money and the business of crowdfunding is increasing. Eileen Burton shares some ideas for getting a good outcome.
17 Mar 2016
Judith Perle
Judith Perle FRSA argues in favour of the role of networks in driving new ideas and bringing established insights into new disciplines.
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