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03 Feb 2021
David Dobreiner FRSA
While a vaccine will eventually rid the world of Covid-19, there is no prospect of a vaccine for the climate crisis.
Dr. Melissa Bird FRSA Prof. Crystal L. Walker
How Fellows can challenge and dismantle racist structures in their own communities
22 Jan 2021
Alexa Clay Jamie Cooke Philipa Duthie
The Covid-19 pandemic has encouraged Fellows to get together and take action.
14 Dec 2020
Dr Antonis A. Kousoulis FRSA
Dr Antonis A. Kousoulis FRSA on how we should assess governments’ responses to the pandemic.
01 Dec 2020
Peter L. Biro FRSA
Peter L. Biro FRSA on democratic breakdown and how Canada might offer some hope.
09 Nov 2020
Alex Krawiec FRSA
Alex Krawiec FRSA on the abortion rights protests in Poland
07 Oct 2020
Lira Luis FRSA
Lira Luis FRSA on becoming a new RSA Fellow and what it means to her
30 Jul 2020
Chris Rhodes FRSA
Chris Rhodes FRSA explores the dual challenge that nations face in recovering economically from Covid-19 and tackling the climate crisis.
11 May 2020
Chandran Nair FRSA
Chandran Nair FRSA reflects on the role of 'a strong state' during and after a time of crisis.
31 Mar 2020
Sam Powers FRSA
Sam Powers FRSA on why alleviating the suffering of refugees from Europe to the Middle East is critical, now more than ever.
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