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Showing 11 to 8 of 18 results
05 Apr 2020
Dr Richard Simmons FRSA
Fellows’ diversity of knowledge, talent and great ideas, means that there is an opportunity to offer alternatives rather than bouncing back to the way thing were before the pandemic
10 Feb 2020
Martin Graham FRSA
Permission to Smile has been successful in encouraging friendly interactions between strangers in Birmingham. Its founder Martin Graham now wants it go national.
08 Nov 2019
Neil McLennan FRSA
How do we continue to commemorate conflicts of the past in new and engaging ways? Neil McLennan FRSA explores.
03 Jan 2019
Adrian Hosford FRSA George Oakham FRSA
How do we influence the system around us so that the sum of all our improvements makes a measurable impact on society as a whole?
17 Nov 2017
Robert Ashton
Celebrated Norwich connector Robert Ashton reflects on his 10 years as a Fellow and what comes next.
18 Oct 2017
Ian Blackburn
Ian Blackburn FRSA argues that the concept of a 21st century Enlightenment coffeehouse has the potential to reach far beyond the membership of the RSA.
27 Jul 2017
Laura Willoughby
From Nudging Pubs to running the UK's first ever alcohol-free drinks Festival, Laura Willoughby FRSA shares how support from an RSA Catalyst Award has helped her venture Club Soda to grow.
26 Jun 2017
Christoph Warrack FRSA
Christoph Warrack FRSA describes how RSA Catalyst helped support Open Cinema to make cinema available to marginalised communities.
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