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25 Sep 2016
Paul Sweeting FRSA
Paul Sweeting FRSA argues that just because Tata Steel is no longer on the front pages, this should not detract from the fact that there is still a pensions crisis in the UK
22 Jun 2016
Paddy Le Flufy
Paddy Le Flufy argues that by protecting the interests of all their stakeholders, not just their shareholders, businesses can be a driving force in creating a sustainable society.
22 Feb 2016
Bill Wells FRSA
Matthew Taylor recently argued that the social market economy was in retreat. Bill Wells FRSA disagrees. He argues that in many countries, particularly the UK, it is alive and well even if there is room for improvement.
20 Oct 2015
David Hurst
David Hurst FRSA argues that organisations need to be approached as adaptive organisms in which we are immersed, not just from the perspective of objective, rational bystanders.
01 Jun 2015
Derek Bates
Derek Bates FRSA argues that the way our tax is collected is inefficient, highly complex, takes too much of the nation's resources, and suppresses enterprise.
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