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15 Jun 2022
Jeremy Fox
Hand the company over to the workers? Madness said the critics. But Jeremy Fox’s exercise in democracy grew the business and made his former employees richer. The only problem? They had to be persuaded to take holidays
17 Feb 2022
Tony Wall
Young people are rarely included in the policies that affect their futures. In fast-growing Vietnam, with many ethnic groups at the back of the queue for decent, secure and well-paid jobs, most are never heard at all. Tony Wall and Ann Hindley explain how Re-WORK aims to redress the balance
04 Feb 2022
Denis Oakley
The world is changing. Most businesses will die because technological, environmental, and social change will obsolete their business models. They will not, are not, changing fast enough. Read Denis Oakley's look at the future of business and how they need to change.
27 Sep 2021
Eduardo Plastino FRSA
Eduardo Plastino FRSA argues that digital twin ecosystems can be a highly consequential general-purpose technology that helps us address major challenges of our times, including climate change and long-term economic stagnation.
15 Jul 2021
Dr. Christian de Vartavan FRSA
Dr. Christian de Vartavan on how blockchain could revolutionise the protection of intellectual property in publishing.
02 Dec 2020
Katz Kiely FRSA
Katz Kiely FRSA on her online initiative which is helping frontline workers through the crisis.
20 May 2020
Tony Danker FRSA
Tony Danker FRSA on how what has happened to business in the last six weeks and where we should head for recovery.
25 Nov 2019
Steve Morris
What can businesses learn family enterprise models? Steve Morris FRSA shares his experience of growing up with a family business.
27 Jun 2019
Adrian Stokes
Industrial designer Adrian Stokes argues for a future in which products are designed to be maintained and repaired - taking into account the consumer, local manufacturing and the environment.
07 May 2018
Ama Marston FRSA
Ama Marston FRSA argues that the recent scandals facing Facebook and Save the Children are just two examples that highlight the growing need for skills that can turn disruptive change into opportunities for growth and innovation.
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