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08 Nov 2022
Susannah Hardyman
Susannah Hardyman explains how drawing on the diverse backgrounds of volunteer tutors to teach disadvantaged students has proved a powerful win-win
25 Oct 2022
Nick Bacon Mark Howard Fergus Grierson
We have inclusive design standards for buildings. Why can't we have them for work? The RSA Inclusive Work, Disability and Ageing Network Steering Group propose a system that works for everybody.
07 Sep 2022
Carly Jones
A succession of news stories of the appalling treatment of autistic girls by police is shocking but not surprising. Carly Jones, who grew up with undiagnosed autism, says that there are essential safeguarding measures that must be taken now
07 Jul 2022
Ben Pearson
The world faces existential sustainability issues – a global problem requiring a societal response – yet the design industry reflects a tiny segment of our society. Ben Pearson’s research examines how much damage this is doing, and how we can make things better
28 Jun 2022
Mark Swift Ian Burbidge
In part two of the Comment article double bill, Mark Swift and Ian Burbidge explore how the VCSFE sector might align its efforts to liberate the best it has to offer.
21 Jun 2022
Learn how the diverse range of VCFSE organisations can collaborate effectively to harness resources, and strengths, and work with the complexity of social challenges.
30 May 2022
Anita Devi
The Government has at last published its Green Paper on the SEND review. But, says Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion consultant Anita Devi, we’re still not asking the right questions
24 May 2022
Christy Acton
Christy Acton, founder and CEO of Birmingham non-for-profit Standing Tall, says businesses can make a huge difference by creating stable jobs for people who’ve experienced homelessness
16 May 2022
Karl Brown
Solicitor Karl Brown FRSA writes about how his experience of a lack of diversity in the Bristol property business spurred him to create the Bristol Property Inclusion Charter
13 Apr 2022
Lauren Anders Brown
War and forced migrations mean hundreds of thousands of displaced people lack the documents to find work, start a new life, or even prove they exist. Lauren Anders Brown, co-directed Forged, about the Syrian conflict. She argues that we desperately need a universal, non-governmental ID system
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