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26 May 2023
Lazar Dzamic
Knowing how to read and write is no longer enough. Lazar Dzamic argues that we need to arm our young with new literacies, to fight narratives sold by media, politicians, religion, the entertainment industry and big business.
11 May 2023
Peter Emerson
Climate change tells us we must cooperate or die. But where’s the cooperation between political parties? Peter Emerson suggests a radical change.
27 Apr 2023
Zografia Bika Adrian Gaskell
To enrich our world we need big government spending, but we also need to use what we already have. Zografia Bika and Adrian Gaskell explain how an army of Italian grandmothers showed the way.
29 Mar 2023
Paul Eastwood
Social housing has a noble history of providing decent homes for people on low incomes, but recent years have seen scandal after scandal. Paul Eastwood argues for structural change in the sector.
23 Feb 2023
Joe Ryle
Studies and trials show the four-day week is good for business, productivity, and employees. Joe Ryle explains how less work works.
10 Nov 2022
Edward Lowe
Watching how software engineers work could revolutionise how we build products and services, and give employees more interesting and fulfilling work. Edward Lowe talks Tesla, Henry Ford and a lesson from the slaughterhouse
04 Aug 2022
Geoffrey Payne
For decades, UK governments have promoted home ownership… yet fewer and fewer of us manage to buy our own homes. Geoffrey Payne suggests we could learn a lot from countries who don’t share our obsession
15 Jul 2022
Philip Rodgers
Universal basic income is a right, not a supplement to benefits, argues Philip Rodgers. In a new paper, he argues that it could be financed by scrapping taxes and replacing them with charges for our use of resources. The result would be conservation, environmental protection and a fair share for all.
30 Jun 2022
Kevin Daniels Helen Fitzhugh
Many employers realise wellbeing in the workplace promotes good mental health AND productivity, but don’t know where to begin. Kevin Daniels and Helen Fitzhugh talk about a new, free, online toolkit to get them started
21 Jun 2022
Keith Harrison-Broninski
The Government’s flagship policy promises a cornucopia of benefits spilling out over the country and enriching us all. There’s just one problem, writes Keith Harrison-Broninski… it can’t possibly work
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