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29 Nov 2024
Steve Newman
Steve Newman offers provocative propositions to modernise the planning system, create affordable and sustainable homes, and offer financial benefits to the government and local communities.
13 May 2024
Richard Ellis
Parliament is based on political parties, but most of us approach politics through the particular issues that we care about. We should open up Parliament by giving campaigning groups a bespoke presence in the heart of our democracy.
10 Dec 2023
Nathan Kinch
Internal initiatives to improve organisational trust and reputation are often unsuccessful. Leaders need to step back and question their organisation’s purpose, values and principles, and redesign decision-making to explicitly act in the public interest.
23 Nov 2023
Phillip Ward
The crises facing the world through climate change, biodiversity loss and inequality are crying out for long-term decisions, but we seldom get them. Phillip Ward offers his Manifesto for Change.
27 Jul 2023
Frank Gaffikin
We are at an inflexion point as a species with an increasing need for collaborative responses to the global crises we face.
11 May 2023
Peter Emerson
Climate change tells us we must cooperate or die. But where’s the cooperation between political parties? Peter Emerson suggests a radical change.
27 Apr 2023
Zografia Bika Adrian Gaskell
To enrich our world we need big government spending, but we also need to use what we already have. Zografia Bika and Adrian Gaskell explain how an army of Italian grandmothers showed the way.
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