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29 Nov 2024
Steve Newman
Steve Newman offers provocative propositions to modernise the planning system, create affordable and sustainable homes, and offer financial benefits to the government and local communities.
22 Apr 2024
Phillip Ward
This year’s Earth Day focuses on plastic pollution. It’s a massive problem that must be addressed, but we need to go beyond one-day initiatives to instil a sense of urgency in responding to all the issues we face.
23 Nov 2023
The crises facing the world through climate change, biodiversity loss and inequality are crying out for long-term decisions, but we seldom get them. Phillip Ward offers his Manifesto for Change.
23 Aug 2023
Andrew Morley
Recent tragedies involving wildfires across the globe emphasise the need to adopt a more preventative approach using data and technology to improve predictive capabilities.
20 Jul 2023
Moray MacPhail
A tale of two toasters demonstrates the trade-offs that need to be considered when we're thinking about the long-term costs of how and what we consume.
09 Jun 2023
Jayendran Gospalsami
Artificial intelligence is propelling us to a more sustainable future. There are hurdles to overcome but the benefits far outweigh the challenges, argues Jayendran Gopalsami.
11 May 2023
Peter Emerson
Climate change tells us we must cooperate or die. But where’s the cooperation between political parties? Peter Emerson suggests a radical change.
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