Show and Asks - RSA

Show and Ask Sessions

Watch replays of our Show and Ask sessions where we invite you to share feedback and ask questions about the project.

Beta Phase

Session 1: 28 April 2022

In this Show and Ask we conducted a demo of the Circle platform, showing Fellows how to upload content, engage with other Fellows and request help on the platform. 

We asked Fellows their initial feedback on Circle, what they liked and suggestions for other features on the platform. 

Session 2: 26 May 2022

In this session, we showed how to create posts so Fellows can introduce themselves on the platform and discussed how they can get involved in the Private Beta.

We asked what type of traits should be included when writing a bio on the platform and how the locality spaces on the platform should be segmented.

Session 3: 30 June 2022

In this session, we showed Fellows the process of creating a profile and first post, and how to navigate spaces on Circle.

We asked Fellows what their experience was like signing-up and joining the community on circle, and what they thought was good about the process and what might need improvement. We also asked Fellows if they had made any posts, and what the response was.

Alpha Phase  

Session 1: 29 July 2021

We held our first Show and Ask sessions during the last week of Sprint 3. Fellows joined us over the course of the two sessions to find out more about the project, ask questions and provide some really insightful feedback on the Fellowship online experience and the work.

In our first Show and Asks we asked Fellows which problem areas relating to the current online experience (identified through our research) resonated the most.

Session 2: 26 August 2021

The second Show and Ask took place towards the end of Sprint 5. We shared our initial vision of the target experience, based on our research and feedback from Fellows so far. 

We asked Fellows from what they'd seen which areas of the target experience would most improve their experience of engaging with the RSA online.  

Session 3: 23 September 2021

In the third Show and Ask we presented three initial prototypes for the target online Fellowship experience.

We asked Fellows to feedback their thoughts on the prototypes. To feedback on the prototypes yourself please watch this shorter video and leave a comment.  

Session 4: 28 October 2021

In the forth Show and Ask we discussed the feedback from the Fellows so far and the learnings we have incountered through the development of the project.

We asked Fellows from what they had seen if they thought there was anything further was missing when engaging with the RSA online and if they could foresee any challanges in the prototype being successful.

Session 5: 25 November 2021 

In the fifth Show and Ask we outlined our priorities going into 2022, presenting a roadmap of the digital roll out. 

We asked Fellows to feedback their thoughts on what they were most excited about the project and if they were intrested in becoming an early adopter.