Wales Area
The Wales network meets quarterly online to share about the work we are doing in our own communities and sectors.
We are focusing our work as the RSA in Wales/Cymru around the Wellbeing for Future Generations goals, young people through the lens of our “collective futures” and a series of themed events across Wales. We will be doing this in partnership with others who are interested in supporting a mindset shift to a more regenerative, resilient and rebalanced world for people, places and planet.
We also support innovation and impact through our local area grants and Catalyst Award winner’s work in Wales/Cymru.
This network is led by our Fellowship Councillors for Wales/Cymru, and our developing Fellowship Engagement Panel.
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RSA Fellowship
The RSA Fellowship is an inclusive global community committed to finding better ways of thinking, acting and delivering change. RSA Fellows have been at the forefront of significant social impact for over 250 years. We invite you to be part of this change.