Notice is hereby given that the 269th Annual General Meeting of the RSA (Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) will be held online on Thursday, 19 October 2023, at 6pm. To register for this event as a Fellow of the RSA, please email: [email protected]
- Welcome and Apologies
- Minutes of the 268th Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday, 4 October 2022, and matters arising.
- To receive and consider a report from the Board of Trustees, including the accounts.
- To note the re-election result of Sam Lewis to the Trustee Board.
- *Resolution 1: To approve the Trustee Board’s reappointment of Shaifali Puri as a Trustee.
Tim Eyles (Chair of the Board of Trustees)
18 August 2023
*See Explanatory Note
The RSA: Incorporated by Royal Charter and registered as a charity in England and Wales, number 212424 and in Scotland, number SC037784.
Patron HM Queen Elizabeth II until 8 September 2022
President HRH The Princess Royal
Trustee Board
At the start of the 2023 AGM, the Trustee Board comprises:
Tim Eyles (Chair)
Charlotte Oades (Deputy Chair)
Jill Humphrey (Co-Treasurer)
Ian Ailles (Co-Treasurer)
Sandra Boss
David D’Souza
Claire Doran#
Andrea Kershaw
Hosein Khajeh-Hosseiny
Sam Lewis (if elected for a second term)
Shaifali Puri (if approved for a second term)
Tony Sheehan#
John Towers
Ric Grefé (RSA US Chair)
Erica Myers-Davies (RSA Oceania Representative)
Changes to the Trustee Board since the last AGM:
#Claire Doran and Tony Sheehan replaced Don McLaverty and Yemi Adeola from October 2022 as representatives of the Fellowship Council following the election of a new Council at the 2022 AGM.
RSA Charter and Bye-laws
The Society’s Charter and Bye-laws can be accessed on our website at:
Impact Report and Audited Statement of Accounts
The Society’s Impact Report, and Trustees’ Annual Report and Financial Statements, can be accessed at:
Explanatory Note
*Resolution 1: To approve the Trustee Board’s reappointment of Shaifali Puri as a Trustee
Shaifali Puri is currently a visiting scholar at New York University's journalism school, where she is researching how technology can be harnessed to benefit the developing world. She is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations and on the Board of the New York City Economic Development Corporation. She was named to Crain's New York 40 Under-40 list and has written for publications including Fortune, The New York Times, Slate and The World Policy Journal.
Previously she was Executive Director for Global Innovation at the Nike Foundation. Her work with the Nike Foundation focused on the Girl Effect movement, which recognised the mission of empowering adolescent girls and their untapped potential. She helped to generate partnerships with both public and private sector players to move the needle on the eradication of global poverty. Prior to her role at the Nike Foundation, she was Executive Director of Scientists Without Borders between 2009 and 2013.
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