Call out user perception of health risks - RSA

Call out: User perception of health risks

Fellowship news

  • Health & wellbeing
  • Fellowship
  • Science

Linda Row FRSA is based in Wiltshire and looking for Fellows who might be interested in helping her with her research degree.

“I am currently looking at user perception of health risks associated with technologies that use non-ionising radiation and protective devices. I am looking for participants who are interested in this subject area and also those who may have a sensitivity themselves, or know of someone who does. I can arrange the group in any convenient location and this will not take more than 60 to 90 minutes. Refreshments will be provided.”

The full research title is: Development of smart textiles to neutralise non-ionising radiation for the electro-sensitive population.

As part of a focus group, participants will be asked to discuss their current use of technologies that use non-ionising radiation - for example, WiFi, mobile phones, and computers. Participants will then be asked some questions about their knowledge of health risks associated with these devices and any symptoms that they may associate with their use.

There will be an opportunity to to add further relevant information. Interviews will be conducted at a convenient location close to participants' home or workplace.

Linda is looking for help from Fellows who might be interested. Please get in touch: [email protected].

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