In this Sprint, we continued to feedback into the design of the end-to-end journey and decided to name the service 'Community'.
A reminder of the project's focus: this beta project is focused on enhancing existing and implementing a new technology at the RSA called Circle, to help improve how Fellows engage and contribute to the RSA work and collaborate with other Fellows.
For further detail see Beta Phase Sprint Notes 6
What happened in Sprint 7
The goal we set out for Sprint 7 was to work on designing the end-to-end user
journey, starting to form technical plans to guide the build of the service. Another
goal was to gain clarity about how preferences should be handled.
During this sprint, we:
- progressed user journey designs in Figma
- made progress on researching the single sign on (SSO) requirements and options
- refined the beta testing plan and continued to recruit participants for the testing
- held a session to discuss and agree the service name
- continued to improve our ways of working together, to ensure the successful delivery of the project and beta service.
Designing the end-to-end journey
At the start of the last sprint, we identified which parts of the end-to-end user
journey to focus on first, and began designing the interaction and content for these parts of the service.
During Sprint 7, we made progress on journey designs based on team workshops. We have also been incorporating input and feedback from the Technical Architect in the designs.
Single sign on (SSO)
The SSO option, previously discussed during a technical workshop in the last sprint, could potentially integrate Circle and other technology solutions used by the RSA to allow the user to log in only once, rather than having to log individually to each platform.
During Sprint 7, we have been undertaking further research into the requirements
and options for SSO.As there were no set requirements from the technical workshop, we started by looking at cost and assessing potential affordability. This led us to meet with a potential supplier (Okta) to find out more about their solution and non-profit pricing.
Beta testing plan
Over the past few sprints, we have been progressing our plans for testing the service with users. This is to ensure the new service provides Fellows and other service users a positive experience, meets the service vision and beta goal, and is accessible, reliable and secure.
During Sprint 7, we have been iterating the beta testing plan which was drafted in
the previous sprint. This plan outlines different groups of users that we suggest take part in the testing to ensure diversity and consider the needs of as many different user groups as possible. We have detailed the format, timeline and structure of how we could deliver three types of testing with the Fellows - unmoderated, activity led, and functional testing.
In parallel, we have been making progress with recruiting Fellows to take part in the beta testing and discussing options to involve key team members who will interact with the service in the testing. We have already had a good response from Fellows offering to participate in forthcoming testing,
Naming the service
A couple of sprints ago, we held an interactive session to brainstorm potential ideas for what we could name the service.
In Sprint 7, we delivered a follow up session where we discussed advantages and
setbacks of different names we had previously put forward. During the session, we agreed that the most suitable name for the service would be “Community”. Moving forward we plan to test how this name lands with the service users across different plattorms and communication channels.
Next steps
We have 3 sprints left before we start rolling the service out. The core focus for the upcoming sprints is to build the MVP version of the beta service and test it with users
to ensure their needs are reflected.
The Sprint 8 goals are to:
- Design the end-to-end user journey, including the content
- Develop and share technical plans for the service build, including initial ideas regarding the approach to single sign-on
- Progress testing and engagement plans, ensuring that participation is representative.
During the next two weeks (Sprint 8), we'll focus on:
- Sign-off to proceed with SSO
- Onboarding Fellows and starting to arrange the beta testing sessions with users
- Delivering content and events workshop to/and finalise the user journey design with RSA stakeholders
- Launching our informal bi-weekly Show and Tell with RSA and partner stakeholders
- Delivering our 3rd Show and Ask session with the RSA Fellows
- Testing the agreed service name across different platforms and channels to see how it lands with the service users
- Continuing to improve our ways of working together, including considering how we could better plan our sprints and manage workflow on the Asana board.
Fellowship Digital Services project
Discover more about this work, latest updates and how you can get involved.
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