Fellowship Digital Services: Beta Phase Sprint Notes 9 - RSA

Fellowship Digital Services: Beta Phase Sprint Notes 9

Fellowship news

  • Digital
  • Fellowship

In this Sprint, we progressed user end-to-end journey designs and delivered two sessions to hand over designs to our technical team at Netcel.

A reminder of the project's focus: this beta project is focused on enhancing existing and implementing a new technology at the RSA called Circle, to help improve how Fellows engage and contribute to the RSA work and collaborate with other Fellows.

For further detail see Beta Phase Sprint Notes 8 

What happened in Sprint 9

The goals we set out for Sprint 9 were to:

  • finishing the design and approval of the beta testing plan
  • starting to contact participants
  • scheduling upcoming testing sessions
  • complete the user journey designs and handing them over to Netcel
  • finalise the SSO technical research

During this sprint, we:

  • progressed user end-to-end journey designs and delivered two sessions to hand over to Netcel
  • made progress on researching the single sign-on (SSO) requirements and options 
  • continued the discussions to map out team involved in the service and planning how to engage them in the service testing and roll out moving forward

Designing the end-to-end journey

During Sprint 9, we finalised most journey designs based on the feedback received from RSA stakeholders. We have also been incorporating input and feedback from the Technical Architect in the designs.

What we have left to do now is the mobile designs which we plan to work on during the next sprint.

During Sprint 9, we also delivered 2 sessions to start handing the designs over to
Netcel to allow them to take them forward from the technical point of view. With
the handover nearly finished, we will continue to discuss how to best manage the
next steps to ensure that the Netcel team is supported during the transition, while
allowing the team members to focus on their next set of tasks.

Single sign on (SSO)

During Sprint 9, we created and agreed a framework for options analysis, which has been sent to potential suppliers ahead of supplier calls.

The Team had a catch up on the setup of Entra, the SSO solution on MS Azure. Some questions emerged including how Optimizely requires YAML2 and Circle requires 0Auth. One is a language and the other a framework for SSO. It will be important to understand if Entra works for both platforms.

Mapping out RSA teams and planning how to engage them in the service testing and roll out

The team has started to take forward the mapping out the different teams and identifying a champion within them that could facilitate the engagement. Once we are clear on the internal teams, we will discuss how to best engage with them.

Next steps

The core focus for the upcoming sprints is for Netcel to build the service based on designs and to test the service with users to ensure their needs are reflected.

Our Sprint 10 goals include working towards:

  • gathering feedback on community guidelines
  • exploring the role of community champion
  • progressing service designs and handover to Netcel
  • agreeing plans for research and testing activity
  • progressing decisions regarding SSO

By the end of the sprint the team needs to have confirmed research participants and scheduled research sessions. There is an aim to explore preferences journeys, which may need to be picked up in a future sprint.

During the next two weeks (Sprint 10), we'll also focus on:

  • Finalising the mapping out of the RSA teams involved in the service and planning their involvement in the service testing and roll out
  • Delivering our 3rd informal bi-weekly Show & Tell with RSA and partner stakeholders and Show & Ask with Fellows

Fellowship Digital Services project

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