BIM is taking the world by storm, and sometimes seems like an arcane art. This event strives to demystify BIM by making it accessible to people in the arts and other disciplines, and showing how it could help.
Led by Warnborough College with RSA Fellow Dr Julian Ng, the event will showcase the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in contexts other than architecture, construction and engineering.
Attendees will be able to learn about a framework for curriculum design that has been created using Building Information Modelling (BIM) concepts, principles and methodologies. There will be presentations and workshops from leading professionals about each of these areas.
The event takes place on Wednesday 12 July at 2pm, at the Clagett Auditorium in the precincts of Canterbury Cathedral. Tickets are free, but attendees are asked to register in advance.
Please see here for more information, and follow this link to secure your place.
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Community peacebuilding and restorative practice
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Callum Bate Richard Hale
Find out how RSA Fellows are using peace practice to improve school engagement and make young people feel better able to thrive, both at school and in the community.
Become an RSA Fellowship Councillor
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Ben Fleming
RSA Fellowship Councillors play a key role in ensuring the Fellowship’s voice is heard. Read more about the Fellowship Councillor vacancies open in Scotland, Ireland, North England and Oceania.
‘You said, we did’: RSA Engage Nations
Fellowship news
Callum Bate Kate Monkhouse Amy McInulty
A few months ago, Fellows in Wales told us they were keen to meet Fellows in Scotland and beyond to learn about how devolved nations were progressing innovation for the social good. So, we decided to offer an online platform for Fellows to find out about initiatives in each country and network with one another across the British Isles.