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15 Dec 2022
Paul Atherton
Here we are, in the world’s most respected organisation on social thinking and yet many here seemingly still don't understand the fundamentals of the life we are living in Britain in the 21st Century.
05 Jul 2022
Colin Hopkins
A celebration of the RSA Academies
27 May 2021
Josephine Namusisi-Riley FRSA
Josephine Namusisi-Riley FRSA on how sharing stories helps with understanding systemic racism and how to tackle it.
13 May 2021
Nazir Afzal OBE
Nazir Afzal OBE on what the UK inquiry into the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic needs to do and how.
David Lambert FRSA
David Lambert FRSA on how he and 5 other people were found not guilty of criminal damage as part of action taken by Extinction Rebellion.
01 Apr 2021
Maria Nizzero FRSA
Maria Nizzero FRSA on why financial institutions have a responsibility to help end modern slavery.
30 Oct 2020
Josephine Namusisi-Riley FRSA reflects on 2020's Black History Month
04 Jun 2020
Jane Davidson FRSA
Jane Davidson FRSA on how we can help future generations with better long-term thinking.
27 Apr 2020
Peter L. Biro FRSA
Once the pandemic is over, we must assess the abridgment of rights and freedoms which we were deemed to accede during the crisis.
31 May 2019
Ana Chubinidze FRSA
Policymakers and algorithm coders should be the ones educated about the ethical and societal issues associated with using personalised online content, not consumers.
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