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Press release
07 Mar 2017
The way the economy and public services are run in the UK has failed and must be radically overhauled to create the “economy that works for everyone, not the privileged few” that the government has committed itself to, according to the final report from the RSA Inclusive Growth Commission.
24 Mar 2015
An ambitious new time-table for the clear and transparent devolution of power away from Whitehall to UK cities must quickly be put in place.
29 Jan 2015
Last summer, George Osborne travelled to Manchester’s Science and Industry museum to make a speech which, at the time, received scant attention in the London press.
22 Oct 2014
At a launch event at the RSA Great Room with Jim O’Neill, Lord Heseltine and Sir Richard Leese, the Commission today set out the recommendations from its final report, Unleashing Metro Growth.
The process of devolving power and responsibility from Whitehall to UK cities (‘Devo Met’) should run in parallel with that of ‘Devo Max’ for Scotland, with draft legislation put in place by January 2015, according to the final report from the RSA City Growth Commission.
15 Oct 2014
As the government considers devolving public expenditure powers to nations and metros, radical new incentives should be put in place to ensure our universities play a bigger role in promoting local economic growth, according to the RSA City Growth Commission.
08 Sep 2014
Giving cities the power to revalue council tax bands as well as pool and allocate central government revenue without ringfencing are just two of the recommendations made today by the RSA City Growth Commission, which has proposed the devolution of finance away from central government to city-regions.
16 Jul 2014
Investment in connectivity between northern cities should be prioritised – a ‘tube system for the north’ Government should review insufficient competition in the high-speed broadband market and insufficient fibre connectivity Metro leaders should replace departmental Permanent Secretaries on IUK Advisory Council.
03 Jul 2014
The political debate around the skills agenda remains “impoverished” and it’s unclear how government initiatives add up to an overall strategy that contributes towards wider economic growth, according to a report published today by the RSA City Growth Commission, with support from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF).
28 Oct 2013
A new independent City Growth Commission is to investigate how England’s cities can become engines for growth, ensuring that all regions are part of the UK’s economic recovery.
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