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13 Jul 2015
Margaret Calvert RDI, one of the most influential graphic designers of our time, speaks to fellow RDI Mike Dempsey in our latest podcast.
02 Mar 2015
Dan Pearson, recipient of the Royal Designers for Industry Landscape Design award in 2012, is interviewed by fellow RDI Mike Dempsey in this absorbing podcast.
22 Jan 2015
Interior Designer Dinah Casson became an RDI in 2005. Listen to her engaging interview with Mike Dempsey as part of the RDInsight series.
11 Nov 2013
Architect and RDI award winner Sarah Wigglesworth speaks to fellow RDI Mike Dempsey. Sarah has been an dRDI since 2012.
10 Jan 2013
Join Richard Hudson and Mike Dempsey for this edition from the RDInsights series.
02 Oct 2008
Ceramics and glass designer Robin Levien has been a RDI since 1995. In this interview he talks to Mike Dempsey as part of the RDInsights series.
14 Jul 2008
Theatre designer Timothy O'Brien became an RDI in 1991.
06 Jul 2008
Graphic designer, Peter Brookes became an RDI in 2002. You can listen to his interview with Mike Dempsey here.
11 Jun 2008
Industrial designer, Kenneth Grange became an RDI in 1969.
21 May 2008
Graphic designer, Pearce Marchbank became an RDI in 2004.
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