Public Talks
Fellowship Events
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26 Nov 2015
How are culture and arts embedded in local identity? Our one-day 'Felt Local' event held at the RSA in July 2015 explored the importance of creative place based approaches.
24 Nov 2015
A panel of experts discuss what the RSA’s Heritage Index has revealed, and what a modern, community-led approach to living heritage looks like.
11 Oct 2015
As part of the People Shaped Localism programme we look at the rise of public service volunteering as a critical element of local public service delivery. Our work has been informed by an expert roundtable held at the RSA on 10th June 2015. We would like to thank all those who took part.
22 Sep 2015
Jonathan Schifferes explains some of the key findings from the Heritage Index.
24 Mar 2015
Cllr Lib Peck joins an expert panel to discuss how cooperative deals with citizens, business and central Government can help to build fairer and more enterprising local economies.
20 Nov 2014
Dr Adam Lent is director of the RSA's Action and Research Centre
08 Jul 2014
Matthew Taylor is chief executive of the RSA
11 Nov 2013
In his 2013 Chief Executive’s Lecture, Matthew Taylor will focus on good employment, and how to move this from an idea with general support but very mixed take-up into something which is available to all employees and supported by wider society.
18 Apr 2013
Tim Smit, is CEO of The Eden Project, and joins an expert panel to ask whether initiatives such as The Big Lunch can provide the social capital boost Britain needs?
02 Feb 2012
Richard Sennett is University Professor at New York University, Academic Governor and Professor of Sociology at the LSE
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