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25 Jun 2020
Mike Grimsdale FRSA
Everyone should have the tools to manage their money.
22 Jun 2020
Asheem Singh
Because we lack truly local banks, Britain doesn’t support local business as much as other countries like Germany or the United States. That's why the RSA has been supporting community banks across the country.
07 Apr 2020
Mark Hall
Getting your hands on money has never been so important, yet nobody wants to touch it. Mark Hall explores the urgent need for a more inclusive digital economy.
26 Feb 2020
On our current trajectory, we risk sleepwalking into a cashless economy that excludes and divides. As the digital economy expands, can we keep our cash economy alive?
06 Jan 2020
Mark Hall outlines four key ways in which we are supporting the community banking movement to make an impact.
30 Sep 2019
Asheem Singh Mark Hall
Asheem Singh and Mark Hall discuss why attempts at financial services reform continue to fail us – and how a design-led approach can make a difference.
20 Jun 2019
Gemma Bone Dodds FRSA
Dr Gemma Bone Dodds FRSA sets out why we urgently need to transform the banking system and create a truly local bank for the people and businesses of the North East.
09 Jun 2019
Conrad Hall
Chief Finance Officer at the London Borough of Brent, Conrad Hall, discusses the value of local banks in tackling financial exclusion and supporting disadvantages communities.
30 May 2019
Derek Walker
Derek Mills on the development of a new community bank for Wales as part of a wider movement by the RSA Transform-supported Community Savings Bank Association.
14 May 2019
Kathryn Kerle
Kathryn Kerle on the challenges of starting a different type of bank.
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