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27 Sep 2022
Sarah Collins
Sarah Collins explores how sustainable change must be locally led and supported by collaboration between aid agencies and business.
26 Sep 2022
Maria Silina
Maria Silina poses the question, Who gains when cultural organisations claim ‘neutrality’?
Andy Haldane
Andy Haldane interviews US political theorist Francis Fukuyama. In conversation, Fukuyama argues that classical liberalism has been contorted by factions both on the populist right and left.
21 Sep 2022
Gillian Tett
Gillian Tett explores how cultural shifts are driving radical change in enterprise.
Rebeca Minguela
ESG is a highly charged topic, raising complex social and political questions about its place in responding to the most profound problems we collectively face. Rebeca Minguela argues to make progress, we need to refocus the conversation.
Paul Polman Andrew Winston
What does it mean to be a ‘good’ business? Paul Polman and Andrew Winston explore how companies can help build a better society.
16 Sep 2022
Rachel O'Brien
Rachel O’Brien speaks to Dame Vivian Hunt about the courage on the part of business leaders in the face of societal challenges.
15 Jun 2022
Wangui Kimari
How the fastest-growing African demographic is defying negative assumptions
13 Jun 2021
Marcos Buscaglia
Marcos Buscaglia on investing in democracy through financial portfolios.
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