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15 Nov 2022
Hannah Webster
How can we regenerate our social security system to remove insecurity and ensure everyone is receiving the support they need to survive?
03 Nov 2021
Ian Burbidge
Ian Burbidge on the importance of an inclusive economy that provides equitable healthcare to the public.
22 Oct 2020
Ian Burbidge Will Grimond
Covid shows us how our health and the economy are linked. Politics has been slow to catch up on the connection.
28 Jul 2020
Alan Lockey
Will the furlough scheme be able to provide a bridge beyond the pandemic to more stable economic conditions?
06 Jul 2020
Anthony Painter
A possible first step towards Basic Income.
18 May 2020
Matthew Taylor
The 2017 industrial strategy may seem out of date during a pandemic. But there is much we can still learn from the strategy for how to rebuild the economy after Covid-19.
13 May 2020
Hari Mann David Pitt-Watson
Pension charges have long been hidden from customers. Hari Mann FRSA and David Pitt-Watson FRSA look back at the part the RSA has had to play in bringing about transparency and disclosure of costs.
Ronnie Cowan MP
There will be other crises. We need to prepare. Ronnie Cowan MP writes for the RSA on why it’s time for UBI.
05 May 2020
David Pitt-Watson Hari Mann
David Pitt-Watson FRSA and Hari Mann FRSA set out why the finance industry needs to act urgently to support companies and individuals during the pandemic – and how it should build a better economy once it is over.
04 May 2020
We all feel powerless at the moment. We know more economic damage is coming. That’s why now is the time for a Basic Income.
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