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19 Dec 2019
Nat Ortiz
Nat Ortiz shares insights from a series of workshops with design students to explore fashion in a circular economy.
15 Sep 2019
Our 2019/20 Student Design Awards briefs have launched! Nine real-world challenges rooted in big societal problems, open to higher education students and recent graduates around the world.
10 Oct 2018
Russell Beard
Kinneir Dufort’s Head of Design & Innovation Russell Beard on the 6 things you need for a great design solution.
05 Jun 2018
Johnny Grey
One of the judges’ from this year’s Student Design Awards Competition reflects on the quality of entries and winning projects
15 Mar 2018
Rebecca Ford
Thank you to everyone who entered! Read on to find out about the judging process.
04 Dec 2017
Sevra Davis
The newly released Industrial Strategy sets out a vision for building an economy and industry fit for the future; design should be a driving force in delivering this vision.
20 Jun 2017
Ethan Howard Thomas Wastling
On the morning of the Award ceremony, Ethan Howard and Thomas Wastling - two of this year's Student Design Award winnners - reflect on their design journey.
31 May 2017
Today we reveal the 24 winning solutions developed in response to this year’s RSA Student Design Awards (SDA).
19 Jan 2017
The 2016-17 RSA Student Design Awards competition is officially open for entries! Enter online by 4pm GMT on 8th March.
31 Aug 2016
This year’s programme has launched with 12 new briefs developed together with our partners and industry sponsors
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