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10 Nov 2022
Edward Lowe
Watching how software engineers work could revolutionise how we build products and services, and give employees more interesting and fulfilling work. Edward Lowe talks Tesla, Henry Ford and a lesson from the slaughterhouse
08 Nov 2022
David Jackson
We complain about giants such as Google, Apple and Microsoft owning our technology, but how many of us take the time to explore the alternatives. As David Jackson argues, they are simple to adopt and free in every sense
21 Jul 2021
Dr. Daniel White FRSA
Dr. Daniel White FRSA asks whether blockchain technology could revolutionise the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) system by 2030.
15 Jul 2021
Dr. Christian de Vartavan FRSA
Dr. Christian de Vartavan on how blockchain could revolutionise the protection of intellectual property in publishing.
17 Mar 2021
Nathan Coyle FRSA
Nathan Coyle FRSA on tackling misinformation through open data that is accessible to all.
26 Nov 2020
Helen Higson FRSA
Helen Higson FRSA on a multi-pronged approach to supporting students’ during these challenging times
11 Nov 2020
Trisha Brandon
Trisha Brandon shares insights from the RSA's inaugural Digital Summit.
08 Oct 2020
Shelley Metcalfe FRSA
Shelley Metcalfe FRSA invites interested Fellows to participate in her research on teaching digital media literacy
25 Sep 2020
Dave Donaghy FRSA
Dave Donaghy FRSA on challenging unequal access to digital capital and skills through building cross-sector partnerships
16 Jun 2020
Dee Degard FRSA
Dee Degard FRSA on the unexpected benefits of curating a digital art show.
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