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11 Oct 2021
18 Jun 2018
Should you really be shocked by the Facebook revelations? Author and Director of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media, Jamie Bartlett argues that our fragile political system is being threatened by the digital revolution.
06 Nov 2017
Four giant tech monopolies have quickly become the most powerful gatekeepers of knowledge the world has ever known. But at what cost? Influential liberal journalist Franklin Foer investigates.
05 Sep 2017
Former Google data scientist, Seth Stephens-Davidowitz reveals the extraordinary research that will define social science in the 21st century.
21 Aug 2017
James Williams' argues that digital technologies privilege our impulses over our intentions, and are gradually diminishing our ability to engage with the issues we most care about.
13 Jul 2017
How do we build a future that doesn’t leave humans behind? Erik Brynjolfsson provides an essential guide to the new digital economy, and how to thrive in it.
13 Feb 2017
We are bombarded with more information each day than our brains can process. Neuroscientist and New York Times bestselling author Daniel J. Levitin visited the RSA to help us sort the wheat from the digital chaff.
15 Apr 2016
Leading innovation expert and former adviser to the US Secretary of State, Alec Ross visits the RSA to give an insider's perspective on the industries of the future.
14 Jul 2015
Law professor Frank Pasquale argues that the regulation and transparency of big data should be at the heart of our concerns as a society.
04 Jun 2015
How can more people benefit from new technology? Anthony Painter discusses the findings and recommendations from our recent report.
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