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22 Jun 2020
Asheem Singh
Because we lack truly local banks, Britain doesn’t support local business as much as other countries like Germany or the United States. That's why the RSA has been supporting community banks across the country.
30 Jul 2019
Ian Lacey
From simple ideas like a local community bus service right through to initiatives like Ty Solar by Western Solar, this blog considers if similar ideas and possibilities could be initiated through a new model of income-assisted CCEs.
12 Jun 2019
Mark Davis
Investment-based crowdfunding has huge untapped potential for public sector infrastructure finance.
17 May 2019
Fabian Wallace-Stephens
How will technology change the high street?
21 Jan 2019
James Skinner
A guest blog by James Skinner for the Food, Farming & Countryside Commission on alternative financial instruments and strategies that could bring about a fundamental change in farming and food consumption.
29 Nov 2018
Jane Langley
People like to shop - it’s deeply ingrained into our lifestyle. Even those of us who don’t tend to shop much find ourselves inadvertently being enticed to spend by beautiful images of things that we would love to own.
21 Nov 2018
Francesca Monticone
Francesca Monticone explores the polarisation of conversation on cheap food and community in different farming businesses in Gloucestershire.
21 Jun 2018
Anthony Painter
Anthony Painter describes how a democratic economy - of everyone - might work.
12 Mar 2018
Rob Allen
Rob Allen writes about his submission to the RSA Citizen’s Economy crowdsourcing challenge ‘Making today’s economy work for tomorrow’
07 Mar 2018
Sue Pritchard
The Women's Institute (WI) food poverty campaign
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