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Fellowship news
27 Jun 2018
A Symposium to be held at the University of Central Lancashire on the 25th July.
26 Jun 2018
Paul Neville FRSA and the steering group of the Fellow-led Creativity in Public Services Network are launching an Action Learning Set
18 Jun 2018
After the summer, RSA Performing Arts Network look forward to joining up with the RSA Team for a special Ideas event with a poetic twist.
03 May 2018
'Over nine million adults are often or always lonely‘- British Red Cross and the Coop. 'Loneliness is as damaging to our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day’- Holt-Lundstadt 2015
23 Feb 2018
We're looking for a Fellow(s) with experience leading group walks to support a new, RSA opportunity for Fellows to meet,connect and share ideas in the great outdoors.
15 Feb 2018
Applications are currently open for the 4th annual Stephen Lloyd Awards, in search of entrants with an early stage project addressing a social problem in an innovative manner.
11 Jan 2018
The Further. Faster, Together project will be launching on 31st January ar RSA House, examing how whole-system change can be brought about to address climate change
23 Nov 2017
FRSAs with an interest in the development of our global neighbours and communities, you're invited to get involved in Network activity in 2018.
14 Nov 2017
Robbie Frazer FRSA asks the question “What should we be doing with the rest of our lives?” and invites people to share their experience of finding work that fulfils us once we hit middle age.
17 Oct 2017
RSA Catalyst grant recipient Lydia Hirst FRSA seeks care providers with whom to test the Talk Reflection App.
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