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17 Jul 2016
Brhmie Balaram
The Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Select Committee published a report today on the UK’s digital economy, which the RSA provided evidence for earlier this year.
09 Jun 2016
Brhmie Balaram offers a breakdown of why banning Airbnb and Uber isn't a viable long-term solution in a global sharing economy.
13 Apr 2016
Gig work in the sharing economy is on the rise. Brhmie Balaram offers a guide to the debate about whether this trend is something we should be excited by or alarmed about.
02 Mar 2016
The RSA was asked to present evidence to the BIS Select Committee last week as part of the government’s inquiry into the digital economy. Brhmie Balaram gives her top five takeaways.
04 Feb 2016
We risk undermining the social promise of the sharing economy if platforms continue to scale solely to maximise profits and dominate the market. But how can we challenge growing monopoly power in the sharing economy?
21 Jan 2016
How Uber is escaping regulation in London.
10 Dec 2015
Rebecca Trevalyan
Need to borrow some tools for the day, or a suitcase for just a week? What you need is a Library of Things, a community space where people borrow useful items at affordable prices.
12 Nov 2015
Brhmie Balaram introduces the RSA's upcoming exploration of the sharing economy.
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