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03 Oct 2016
Matthew Taylor
Could your region, city or town embrace the spirit of Kensalfield? Matthew Taylor introduces the RSA's third Power to Create paper, A Place for Learning.
Our third Power to Create paper explores the possibility of transforming a UK city into a city of learning. Taking the imagined city of Kensalfield as our subject, we offer 20 proposals to take at local and national level.
14 Jul 2016
Tony Breslin FRSA
RSA Associate Dr Tony Breslin warns against how we currently regard different forms of learning.
26 May 2016
Vishal Panchmatia
Vishal Panchmatia outlines how the new civic model adapted from the US- Cities Of Learning- could offer some answers to narrowing the experience gap.
12 May 2016
Tony Breslin
By rethinking post-school education we can make real a new maxim — learning is for life, not just for children, argues Tony Breslin FRSA.
04 Jun 2015
How can more people benefit from new technology? Anthony Painter discusses the findings and recommendations from our recent report.
26 May 2015
What challenges and opportunities do new technologies pose for the ‘power to create’, and how can our institutions adapt to these changes? The RSA’s Director of Policy and Strategy Anthony Painter presents a set of major new institutional ideas.
14 May 2015
Anthony Painter
Anthony Painter explains the key research and findings of our first Power to Create paper - The new digital learning age: how we can enable social mobility through technology.
13 May 2015
Joanna Massie
How ready are you for technological change? Answer these 10 quick questions to find out your digital tribe.
In this major new policy report, the first in the Power to Create series, Anthony Painter and Louise Bamfield argue that major institutional change to work and learning is needed to promote ‘inclusive social mobility'.
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