Fellowship Events
Public Talks
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Showing 11 to 10 of 21 results
21 Nov 2018
Francesca Monticone
Francesca Monticone explores the polarisation of conversation on cheap food and community in different farming businesses in Gloucestershire.
25 Oct 2018
Sir Ian Cheshire
Our Common Ground, a new progress report from the RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission's emerging thinking as we reach the half way point of our inquiry
18 Oct 2018
Fabian Wallace-Stephens
Fabian Wallace-Stephens shares insights from his leg of the FFCC bike tour in West Wales
20 Aug 2018
Ian Fitzpatrick
Ian Fitzpatrick reviews the submissions from the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission's Call for Ideas.
19 Aug 2018
Sophie Freeman
Sophie Freeman reflects on her week in Northumberland and County Durham for the FFCC Bike Tour.
31 Jul 2018
Kayshani Gibbon
Kayshani Gibbon recounts what she learned from her leg of the FFCC bike tour in Northern Ireland.
07 Mar 2018
Sue Pritchard
The Women's Institute (WI) food poverty campaign
28 Nov 2017
Jamie Cooke
The commitment of the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission to organise and deliver work within the devolved nations is a very welcome one, says Head of RSA Scotland Jamie Cooke.
24 Nov 2017
Ahmed Shaal
Since the RSA was founded in 1754, it has played a major role in the topics that will be covered in detail in the RSA's Food, Farming and Countryside Commission.
03 Nov 2017
Tom MacMillan
Tom Macmillan, RSA Associate, examines a new report that seems to have the answer to the issues facing the agricultural sector post-Brexit.
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