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18 Aug 2016
Benedict Dellot
The RSA and Crunch are undertaking an entrepreneurial audit to deepen our understanding of what works in supporting the self-employed and micro-businesses.
20 Jul 2016
A new book by Don and Alex Tapscott argues that blockchain could help shake up the sharing economy, push out middlemen, and make micro-entrepreneurs out of all of us. Benedict Dellot explores.
20 Apr 2016
From telecoms and retail through to airlines and accountancy, oligopolies are taking root in all corners of our economy. Isn't time we started paying attention?
21 Mar 2016
Hidden away in the Budget Red Book were several announcements to satisfy the self-employed
18 Feb 2016
The Deane Review was our best shot in years to change the landscape of government support for the self-employed. But has the opportunity been squandered?
03 Jul 2015
Entrepreneurship is presented as a way for people to escape poverty and rise from rags to riches. But the truth is that business is still the preserve of the privileged.
29 Jun 2015
Has the US lost its accolade as the most entrepreneurial nation? Not yet, suggests new data.
26 Jun 2015
Kelly Hall Catherine Needham
The recent RSA research into micro-businesses has highlighted the potential for self-employed individuals and very small companies to be innovators, bringing new ideas to market.
12 Jun 2015
Micro businesses have been painted as lightweight, inefficient and an overall drain on our economy. But our research suggests these fears are unfounded.
12 May 2015
Bogus self-employment is spreading. So why are few people talking about it?
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