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16 Oct 2017
Anthony Painter
The social contract between citizen, state and market is failing. The challenge is to design a new social contract that enables adaptation, argues Anthony Painter.
04 Sep 2017
Jamie Cooke Anthony Painter
The RSA welcomes the announcement of the Scottish Government that it will support and fund local Basic Income pilots.
04 Jul 2017
Jake Thorold
Alaska gives all residents over $2000 per year, no questions asked. New survey data suggests this leads to big social benefits. We should be thinking more seriously about Universal Basic Income in the UK.
31 May 2017
Jamie Cooke
Reflecting on the growing conversation around Universal Basic Income, Jamie Cooke asks whether we will follow, or whether we are prepared to lead the agenda.
01 May 2017
Freedom to innovate is essential to modern cities. Unless the capital is able to consider and experiment with ideas such as UBI, then the sizeable social deficit will remain, says Anthony Painter in London Essays.
27 Apr 2017
Basic Income is better understood as a support for good work rather than giving up on work, argues Anthony Painter.
03 Jan 2017
Anthony Painter explores the development of the case for a Universal Basic Income throughout 2016 and what the prospects and challenges might be for 2017.
13 Sep 2016
Matthew Taylor
In his 9th annual RSA Chief Executive's lecture, Matthew Taylor discusses how policy can stand a better chance of succeeding and explores the RSA's case for Basic Income.
14 Jul 2016
The work-place is increasingly harmful to well-being, security and individual control and agency. We need some radical new thinking, argues Anthony Painter.
04 May 2016
Matthew Taylor discusses the RSA's 'emergent impact' approach to universal basic income.
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