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Showing 11 to 8 of 18 results
26 Jun 2017
Julian Astle
Director's letter
05 Jan 2017
Matthew Taylor
Matthew Taylor, RSA chief executive asks whether this time we can finally come together to realise the ideal of every citizen being able to develop and renew their core skills.
03 Oct 2016
Could your region, city or town embrace the spirit of Kensalfield? Matthew Taylor introduces the RSA's third Power to Create paper, A Place for Learning.
22 Sep 2016
Francesca Plowright
Fran Plowright FRSA reflects on the School of Logical Progression’s Meet a Mentor pilot programme supported by the RSA Catalyst Fund
31 Jul 2016
Luisa Spina
Small Gathering for Big Thoughts is a dialogue process in which people are invited to bring their own ingredients, meet a stranger and cook together without a recipe.
15 Jul 2016
nick maxwell
A summer of skills-sharing launches across Coventry next week. Join the team for their launch on Thursday 21 July. If you are an instructor or have a skill to share welearnlocal.co.uk could be for you.
19 Mar 2014
Jonathan Schifferes
UK businesses want the government to invest more in skills. But the “skills system” should be conceived as the whole outcome from education and learning. Too many people read it as training delivered by the public sector for young people who don’t go to university. 80% of investment in post-compulsory training is by employers.
12 Mar 2014
The RSA has a history with coffee. The RSA’s eighteenth century founders first met in Rawthmell’s Coffee House in Covent Garden, and conversations they had shaped the society around them.
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