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Fellowship news
14 Jun 2017
A new fundraising book for schools will be due out in the Autumn, but a review copy is available for RSA Fellows on request.
22 Mar 2017
The organisers of a Creative Careers Day are looking for speakers to demonstrate the value of a creative education or discuss how we might improve information and resource sharing within the education system.
28 Apr 2016
Green Schools Project is an exciting new student-led programme that helps schools to go Green. Find out how you can get involved.
24 Apr 2016
RSA Bounce is an ideas platform, where we invite Fellows to pitch their project ideas to other Fellows and friends of the RSA. Read about our April event, in the words of one of our pitchers, Kate Lomax.
22 Jan 2016
RSA Academy Arrow Vale are looking for a speaker who can excite and enthral students in year 9 and 10 during British Science Week.
19 Jul 2015
Find out more about the latest developments at the RSA's family of Academies
17 Jul 2012
The RSA Family of Academies will grow to four in September when Arrow Vale High School in Redditch, an upper school for children aged 13-18, becomes an RSA Academy.
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