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25 Jun 2019
Aima Ahmed
Only by understanding the impact of history can we help places have a brighter future.
13 Jun 2019
Ed Cox
The growth of global mega-cities has slowed. We need to think in terms of bigger regions to drive productivity – Scotland and London show that it works.
30 May 2019
Anthony Painter
Parliamentary democracy has essentially collapsed under the strain of Brexit.
05 Mar 2019
The promised £1.6bn will inject much needed cash into some of England’s most neglected places. But for real change we need to move beyond the silly contest between cities and towns.
01 Mar 2019
Matthew Taylor
Devolution would be good for Britain. But some of the arguments for it are pretty bad.
07 Jan 2019
Signs of the democratic challenges facing many nations have been around for years but in Britain, we enter the new year with people’s trust in parliamentary democracy at rock bottom.
07 Dec 2018
Atif Shafique
Technocratic solutions on their own won’t address the big challenges we face. Is it time to get small ‘p’ political?
01 Dec 2018
In the rolling debate about how best to distribute power in the British state, we should turn our attention to the systemic problems of the centre.
29 Nov 2018
Ed Cox, Director of Public Services and Communities, discusses a series of events and projects that show that the people are taking back control of the North.
16 Nov 2018
Will Grimond
Social democracy isn't dead, it has just become more decentralised and people-led.
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