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18 Nov 2015
Charlotte Alldritt
Charlotte Alldritt discusses the findings of the latest Open Public Services Network project which opens up data on mental health services provision.
17 Nov 2015
Aaron Balick, PhD
It is oft said, particularly by those of us who happen to be over about thirty-five, that social media is the scourge of our times. It is seen to be the cause of our self-centred and narcissistic culture and the chief instigator of the breakdown of intimacy and face-to-face relationships.
27 Oct 2015
Matthew Parsfield, researcher at the RSA, discusses our final report in the Connected Communities programme, which explores the power of connectivity within and between communities.
20 Oct 2015
Nathalie Spencer
When it comes to doing well for our health, a rich understanding of human behaviour is needed to uncover why we don’t always take preventative measures.
15 Sep 2015
Steve Bodycomb
How language can to used to help or hinder a person's recovery journey from substance and alcohol misuse
05 Aug 2015
Jack Robson
Jack Robson considers the risks of a policy linking benefit entitlements to the take up of treatment.
04 Aug 2015
How language and art can be used to help diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions
29 Jul 2015
Joanna Massie
Insights from a recent workshop road-testing results the WPR project with Fellows, experts, partners and clients.
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