Fellowship Events
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07 Aug 2017
Rachel O'Brien
The RSA has submitted its proposal to the Ministry of Justice for the New Futures Network. A body to drive prison reform through the system.
Fellowship news
01 Jun 2017
Pictora, a social enterprise led by RSA Fellows Robert Morrall and Philip Emery, has been piloting and evaluating new approaches to reduce reoffending.
27 Apr 2017
Charlotte Alldritt
During a visit to the US, Charlotte Alldritt discusses recent events in Arkansas and the parallels with the system in England and Wales.
20 Apr 2017
With a general election looming, Rachel O'Brien discusses the future of the Ministry of Justice and prison reform in England and Wales.
23 Feb 2017
Rachel O'Brien Jack Robson
The new Prisons and Courts Bill signifies a historic shift in thinking about the purpose of prisons and how they are run
13 Sep 2016
James Crabbe
James Crabbe FRSA discusses how the further education sector can play a big role in addressing the UK skills gap and improving outcomes of those in prison.
23 Aug 2016
Policy adviser Tom Gash dispels some of the most persistent myths around crime.
18 Aug 2016
A justice system that truly rehabilitates must reach beyond the prison walls to demand more of society
01 Aug 2016
Anthony Painter
The decline of the Labour party poses problems for democracy - and the free flow of ideas into our political system. Anthony Painter explains why this should concern us all, not simply those on the left or centre-left.
24 May 2016
Paul Tye
Paul Tye, a member of the Advisory Group of our Future Prison project, considers the implications for prison reformers of the Queen's recent speech.
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