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14 Aug 2015
France gave us the word intellectual; its world-leading thinkers taught us to reason. But in recent years, French thought has been in the doldrums – some say even in crisis. Award-winning historian Sudhir Hazareesingh asks: ...
17 Jul 2015
We are becoming increasingly bombarded with ‘ideas’. But are there other ways of knowing that could enable us to experience the world more richly? Writer and philosopher Robert Rowland Smith investigates.
26 Feb 2015
Neuroscientist and author Daniel Levitin explains how we can organise our brains to keep up with the demands of the digital age.
13 Jan 2015
David Willetts MP visits the RSA to speak about the knowledge and skills we need to flourish in a complex and fast-paced environment.
11 Dec 2014
Data journalist, designer and founder of the blog sensation Information is Beautiful, David McCandless visits the RSA to demonstrate how visualised information can help us comprehend, navigate and find meaning in a complex world.
03 Jul 2014
Nick Bostrom is founding director of the Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford Martin School.
30 Jan 2014
Dan Hurley is an award-winning science journalist.
26 Sep 2013
Matthew Lieberman is Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences.
20 Jun 2013
Michael Blastland, author, journalist, and BBC Radio 4 broadcaster and David Speigelhalter OBE, winton professor of the Public Understanding of Risk, University of Cambridge.
03 Dec 2012
Andrew Park is an illustrator and founder of Cognitive Media, Richard Wiseman is professor of the public understanding of psychology.
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