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Showing 11 to 10 of 118 results
06 Dec 2019
Adrian Shahbaz Allie Funk
How can we ensure that social media platforms remain a positive force for democracy, rather than conduits for malicious electoral interference? Blog by Adrian Shahbaz and Allie Funk of Freedom House.
15 Nov 2019
Dawn McGruer
If you are a business owner, it’s highly likely you’ve come across the Digital Skills Gap issue.
30 Oct 2019
Asheem Singh Jake Jooshandeh
In partnership with NHSX we deliberated with healthcare professionals and tech specialists on artificial intelligence in our NHS.
24 Oct 2019
Asheem Singh
Asheem Singh reflects on the RSA’s deliberative democratic experiment at the intersection of technology and society: the citizen-driven ‘Forum for Ethical AI’
14 Oct 2019
Fabian Wallace-Stephens
Collective agreements in the gig economy. A flexible approach to economic security. Trade unions using technology to redesign jobs. What can we learn from the future of work in Denmark?
18 Sep 2019
As we launch the RSA’s Tech and Society programme, Asheem Singh reflects on a corresponding programme of events at RSA House.
16 Sep 2019
Director of Economy Asheem Singh on why the RSA, ODI and Luminate have launched a campaign empower people to take back control of their data.
11 Sep 2019
Will Grimond
Data monopolies makes changing between music services hard. But it’s much more serious for gig economy workers.
04 Sep 2019
Johanna Herman
Given the situation where tech is increasingly used against workers as a surveillance tool, how can tech be designed to support workers? Johanna Herman, founder of Workerbird, shares her insights.
02 Sep 2019
Garrett Cassidy FRSA
The safety net for workers net must be re-imagined in order to avoid the many dystopian predictions for our shared futures, says Garrett Cassidy.
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