Fellowship Events
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30 Nov 2018
How can we tackle our ignorance about what the world is really like? Bobby Duffy, Director of Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute, explains how we can get a handle on the facts in a ‘post-truth’ era.
29 Sep 2018
Georgina Chatfield
Georgina Chatfield, Programme Manager at RSA Academies, and three Year 8 student reporters from Whitley Academy share what happened when RSA Japan Connector Tania Coke came to perform at two RSA schools in September.
30 Jul 2018
Founder and former CEO of award-winning marketing agency Livity, Sam Conniff Allende re-purposes the innovative strategies of Golden Age pirates for 21st century would-be disruptors.
09 May 2018
Charlotte Smith
In the light of the latest speech by the education secretary, Charlotte Smith examines the common features of the world's best education systems.
22 Apr 2018
David Balhuizen
Project_Sweat: designed by women, for women, to support women
09 Apr 2018
Daniel Coyle, New York Times bestselling author of The Talent Code, reveals the team-building skills behind some of the most effective organisations in the world.
23 Mar 2018
Naomi Bath
In the RSA's pursuit of establishing an arts and cultural education Evidence Champions Network, Naomi Bath explores what it might mean to become 'evidence-rich'.
04 Mar 2018
Adanna Shallowe
Once again, the RSA has partnered with 92Y as part of 7 Days of Genius (March 4-11, 2018), a global celebration of creativity for the common good.
13 Feb 2018
Laura Partridge
Last week, the RSA and Bank of America Merill Lynch hosted a research roundtable with corporate funders of arts and cultural learning to explore how they currently support their grantees to continuously improve practice. Here is what we found.
30 Oct 2017
In view of the launch of 'Learning About Culture' earlier this month, Naomi Bath reflects on the RSA's work in arts education and cultural learning over the past three centuries.
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