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09 Jun 2020
Alan Lockey Fabian Wallace-Stephens
Alongside the moral urgency of the pandemic, the challenges of growing economic insecurity and labour market transforming technologies require a new social contract for work.
Matthew Taylor
What does the pandemic mean for good work? So far, so good.
Tom Kenyon
An increase in unemployment will make gaining new skills more important than ever. To make re-skilling work during social distancing, we’ll need to learn to recognise learning wherever it happens.
24 May 2020
Matthew Taylor Anthony Painter
3 principles and 10 ideas for transition.
19 Apr 2020
Fabian Wallace-Stephens Will Grimond
New RSA analysis finds that those least able to work from home are often the lowest paid.
25 Mar 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an opportunity to improve our society. Here’s how we can seize it.
21 Mar 2020
Anthony Painter
Deep structural weaknesses have left more vulnerable people and places exposed for some time; now these weaknesses are visible to all.
17 Mar 2020
Michael Tjalve FRSA Ross Smith FRSA
Artificial intelligence is developing rapidly and is already changing the world of work. Michael Tjalve FRSA and Ross Smith FRSA explore the role of AI in the workplace of the future.
12 Mar 2020
Less business travel, extended employment rights, move towards Universal Basic Income, accelerate energy shift, strengthen state, and new ways of thinking about change.
10 Mar 2020
Fabian Wallace-Stephens
What skills will workers need in the future? And how should educators, employers and policy makers respond to shifts in the labour market? We worked with Skills Development Scotland to explore these questions.
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