Fellowship Events
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17 Apr 2018
From carpenters to lawyers, and from beauty therapists to IT consultants, there are now close to 5 million people in the UK who count themselves as self-employed.
16 Feb 2018
The UBOF represents a stepping stone – to be enacted now – towards Universal Basic Income and a better way of enabling citizens to live meaningful and contributory lives.
10 Jul 2017
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the RSA, delivers his review for the Prime Minister into modern working practices.
26 Apr 2017
Over the last five years, the trend of using online platforms to source small, sometimes on-demand, jobs has accelerated, and shows little sign of slowing down.
30 Apr 2014
Our report 'Salvation in a Start-up?' explores the factors behind the boom in self-employment and examines what life is really like for the growing numbers of people who now work for themselves.
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