Fellowship Events
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30 Jun 2013
Shared Lives is a little known, but important, alternative to home care and care homes for people in need of support.
Press release
13 Jun 2013
An art exhibition showcasing the stories of local people in recovery from problematic alcohol and drug misuse, was today visited by RSA President, HRH The Princess Royal.
03 Jun 2013
Paul Buddery
The RSA 2020 Public Services has a vision for public services that we call ‘social productivity’. Boiled down, it rests on three key propositions:
28 May 2013
Those involved in policing and members of the public are to be asked their views on the future of the Police Federation of England and Wales.
This is a guest post by Tim Cooper FRSA, senior manager and research fellow at the Accenture Institute for High Performance.
22 May 2013
David Stuckler, university lecturer in Sociology at Cambridge University and author of The Body Economic: Why Austerity Kills
20 May 2013
A new Centre for Citizenship and Community is to examine how public services might engage with local communities in order to promote co-operation, equity, inclusion and wellbeing.
01 May 2013
Barriers and Solutions looks at the range of challenges facing services considering spinning out. It considers how solutions other than straight mutualisation.
We assess how the evidence base and the policy arguments around mutualisation have evolved in recent years.
12 Apr 2013
The first Panel meeting of the Independent Review of the Police Federation was held at the RSA. It agreed the terms of reference of the review as previously published (see notes below). The meeting agreed next steps with regards to the formal launch of the Review consultation.
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