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14 May 2019
Chris Oestereich
RSA Global Ambassador and Bangkok Network Lead, Chris Oestereich reports back in the midst of a series of circular design workshops rethinking waste and redesigning the systems that create it in Bangkok.
08 Apr 2019
Philippa Roberts
Philippa Roberts FRSA is co-founder and CEO of Binit UK, a value-led waste services business, and a 2016 recipient of Catalyst funding.
27 Feb 2019
Lauren Orso
In March and April 2019, the RSA's global team will be visiting Singapore, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur on the hunt for social innovations and exploring potential for an action-oriented Fellows network.
28 Nov 2018
Jenny Andersson
Can redesigning 'business as usual' and accelerating the transition to a circular economy address our current ecological, social and psychological divides?
08 Aug 2018
Our society is changing. ‘Us’ is becoming the new ‘me’ and access to items is becoming more important than actually possessing them. Laury Zwart champions the role asset sharing between businesses.
27 Jul 2018
Anastasia Cojocaru
Anastasia Cojocaru introduces her research project looking at Basic Income and Working Time Reduction.
26 Jul 2018
Josie Warden
We’ve lost sight of the role of making stuff in communities, but it is part of creating vibrant economies where money, knowledge and resources flow.
23 Jun 2018
After years of decline, manufacturing could be making a return to the cities of Europe. Senior Researcher at the RSA Josie Warden compares Brussels, London and Rotterdam identifies the common experiences and challenges faced by each city.
Fellowship news
15 Mar 2018
Details of upcoming 'circular economy' and 'eco dinner club' events in Brighton and Hove.
11 Jan 2018
Renegade economist Kate Raworth argues that our dangerously outdated economic theories need to be drawn anew.
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